Monday, May 17, 2010

Upcoming On The Blog

It's a cool and sunny, somewhat breezy spring morning here in Denver.   It actually snowed a bit the other day, we dodged a bullet, it was supposed to snow eight inches of the heavy tree branch breaking variety, but rained really hard instead. Big lightening, big thunder!        As for the blog,   I have quite a few really great photos that I haven't published yet, so in the coming weeks I'll be posting away.   First up will be exterior shots of the ship in port and at sea, in order, from New York to Hong Kong.  Then ship interiors, including carpet samples.   When I was in California after the ship I was lucky to be able to spend a night on Queen Mary, now a hotel at the port of Long Beach.   I took lots of photos, of course.    Looking at it all now I realize that I've taken similar photos of Queen Mary, QE2 and QM2, inside and out.   So I can add side by side shots of the three great liners.      So that's what's up.