Sunday, October 31, 2010

On Board German Railway's City Nite Line Sleeper "Perseus"

The first thing I did yesterday when I got to Paris, after checking in at the hotel,  was go the train station to enquire as to the status of tonight's train to Berlin.    The gentleman at the ticket office assured me that it would go, as the French do not go on greve  (strike)  on Saturdays.       He seemed quite sure, so I put the last night's troubles out of my mind, and proceeded to wander Paris for two great days. Sure enough, when I got to the station tonight they were announcing the soon to depart train to Berlin, much to my relief.  the only glitch tonight, they've had to substitute some of the equipment, and I'm in a lesser grade than booked, but still have a bed, and will get a 20 Euro refund in Berlin in the morning.   I have a very nice bunk mate from Hanover and we've been chatting.      There's a lively bar car and that's where I am now, enjoying a Beck's Bier.     The train consists of coaches going to Berlin, Munich (which split up in Mannheim) and one coach that will continue on all the way to Moscow.   We will spend an hour in Mannheim, again, this time not out in the cold, but because of the switch from daylight savings time.    I hope I sleep right through it!

I'll upload this in the morning when I get to the hotel in Berlin and then put pix from Munich and Paris on the blog.    Really looking forward to Berlin, never been there before.    Now it's time to say bonne nuit, gute schlaffe!

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