Saturday, December 25, 2010

Rudolph The Restless Reindeer Surveys The Setting Sun From 1225 Penn

Meanwhile, Still In Denver, It's Christmas Day, Merry To All!

When I walked out the front door this mornng I discovered an entire truckload of coal on my lawn!    Just kidding!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Le Bal Masque, Someone Convinced Me To Try On This Mask

Nice cabin, eh? I could live here

Glowing bar top and the bartender Alexandra in the G32 nightclub, G32 was the Mary's hull number

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Our Route Across The Atlantic, The So Called Southern Route

St Nazaire, on the west coast of France, is where QM2, as well as Normandie, were constructed

Notice that Titanic was not far from Her goal, New York

Friday, December 17, 2010

Last Evening On The Atlantic

Mr. Wilde was a Cunard passenger

A sight no one wants to see

Hershey, my stewardess, two trips now

I love these clocks

The personable and professionalDining Room staff await, the waiter on the right, Benelito worked our table on the World Cruise

The Bartenders in the  Commodore Club being photographed by the Beverage Officer

Monday, December 13, 2010

In the Meantime, Still in Denver, Last Week Was Spent Digging Up the Front Lawn

Miserable as ever, here in Denver, the water main started leaking in the past few weeks.  It took all last week to replace it with new copper.  It was not exactly fun. Oh well, at least it didn't happen while I was gone, or in January in a blizzard with the ground frozen like a rock!  That's the old line in the above photo.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Blog Is About to Have Hit Number 10,000

I thought that was worth noting. this post will make it 9991, and counting. That's since starting in January. As long as we're talking numbers, here's a few about my recent trip. I traveled on two taxis, three planes, four overnight sleeper trains, one long distance bus, one overnight ferry, and one transatlantic liner.  In the cities I used commuter rail three times, four subway systems, and four city busses.   Other than that it was walk, walk, walk!

My travels took me to Germany twice, France twice, the Netherlands, England three times, and Scotland. I spent five nights traveling on train and ferry, six in hotels, one night as a houseguest, and eight on QM2. It was a great ride!  

The intent with the blog is to now go through the trip, in reverse.  I have not really covered the cities very much, so in the coming posts we go back across the Atlantic, first to Cherbourg, then up to Edinburgh, down to Amsterdam, then Berlin, Paris and Munich.  I have a lot of really good photos to publish! By the way, all photos are indeed (except where otherwise credited) copyright Paul Sjoberg and may not be used with out express permission of moi. There that business is out of the way! Thanx for checking on the blog and enjoy the photos!         Cheers!