Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon yesterday was wonderful, it's about an hour out of town just beyond the airport. If your departure or arrival schedule permits you can take a Fly Away Bus there either before or after, they will stow your luggage for you and I guarantee you you will have a most relaxing experience, before or after your flight. The waters of the hot spring are a milky turquoise color due to a white silica in the water, and the whole lagoon is surrounded by the black volcanic rock of Iceland.  Quite dramatic.  They have tubs of the concentrated silica around the edge of the pool, you scoop out a big blob and slather your face with it, let it fester for a few, then rinse; voila a new you! I'm serious!!! Today my skin feels so smooth. I wanted to buy jars of the silica for everyone, at the airport today, but they charge $40 a jar. Sorry.

In an uncomfortable experience last night at a bar having a beer, (early evening) in Reykjavik, I bumped into three guys (Icelandic) who invited me to sit with them, I did, and they turned out to be American hating, Jew hating mo fos- they were already on their way to gone, and one was absolutely huge!  I did fine, however, I said I was Irish!  The owner, a woman, came over and gave them a bunch of grief. She came over to me and said she had those boys in the palm of her hand. I said Oh la la, they are charmers. What was funny though, and why I tell this story, is that one of them for some reason guessed my age, the bozo guessed me a full ten years younger than I am!  That silica from the lagoon worked wonders! It really did, go to and get yourself a jar!

On board Icelandair 613 now, JFK bound. I can't tell you how much I like this airline. Again two + two seating in the front of the plane. I found out why, if you are in what they call economy comfort, and they haven't sold all of their business class (Saga class) seats, they put you up front and sell the economy seats in back to fill the plane. Sort of what the cruise lines do to fill the cabins. They give you a card on boarding telling you that you have been upgraded. They give those who have actually paid for Saga Class the full deal (china, glass glasses, cloth napkins etc) and those in economy comfort free meals, and wine and beer, and these great big seats. I'm so happy!  Sitting next to me is a lady from Romania on her way to Harrisburg Pa,, and across the aisle is a handsome young man from Guadalajara Mx., returning home from his first great European adventure. He says he visits Colorado from time to time. I gave him my email! The flight has just gotten quite bumpy, we are about two hours out now from New York. I got great photos as we passed over Greenland. Looking forward now to three days in New York City, am staying at the Chelsea Hostel, $70 a night for a single room, WC down the hall. I hope to go up the Hudson River to Kykuit, the estate of John Rockefeller, I've seen the palace of the Tsars of Russia now, might as well see the American equivalent. 


  1. Great pictures. I do want to visit Iceland. I was so disappointed when our one planned cruise was rerouted away from Iceland.
