Thursday, December 19, 2013

Noon Report, Thursday, December 19

The weather has deteriorated noticeably since yesterday, with gale force winds, force nine, or 30 knots, from the south onto the port side, causing the ship to heel a fair bit to the starboard side, the swell is long and up to 22 feet, so she's pitching a fit today and rolling a bit too. We are 43 degrees longitude west and 43 degrees latitude north. Sea temp is 60 fahrenheit,and the air temp is 54. Our speed is 19 knots.  We've been running 450 to 500 miles per day and have 1453 left on the run into New York. The Commodore assures us that there is no other ship afloat that would be handling these very heavy seas with such elegance and aplomb, I just finished trivia in the Golden Lion Pub, an American is always appreciated on a team of Brits as they always throw in a few questions that pertain to the States, we did well, 17 out of 20, but didn't win. Now it's off to lunch, I'm starving!
We had a bit of blue sky yesterday, a nice shot off the stern.
Crazy waves today,view from the casino.


  1. Great shot of the wave outside the window. Like you, I love the rough seas. Enjoy!
