Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More on the Mary!

Today Queen Mary 2 is at sea, bound for her American home port of Brooklyn, New York, arriving there Thursday morning.   That will mark the completion of her current 101 day 2010 World Tour.  I was lucky to have been on board the first 40 days.     Since I disembarked in Hong Kong, exactly two months ago now,  she went up to China and Japan, down to New Zealand, around the south side of Australia, across the South Indian Ocean to South Africa, then the South Atlantic to Rio, before heading up to Barbados, and yesterday, Ft. Lauderdale.      Wish I could have done the whole trip!   The first portion though did stop at a large percentage of the ports of call.   Since Perth, now nearly six weeks ago,  she only called at seven ports.    Just over one a week,  that makes for a lot of sea days,  which I like sea days , but at that late point in the voyage maybe enough is enough.   I can only imagine that there might have been a bit marital acrimony etc developed by then.    I wonder if anyone died?      One did while I was on board, crossing the Atlantic.    Of coarse they don't announce that kind of thing, but it's  fairly common.   I found out there was a death only because I was talking to some one who witnessed the removal of the remains.    I digress!        Actually there where surprisingly few who did the entire trip NYC to NYC-- just over a hundred.    An additional 500 or so are doing Southampton to Southampton, which where she heads Thursday evening, back out into the Atlantic Ocean, the ocean for which she was designed.    The photos I took in January, crossing to Southampton-- seems like a long time ago now!   

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