Monday, March 12, 2012

Greetings From San Miguel De Allende

I met my cousin Stephanie at LAX and we flew overnight down to Leon Guanajuato International Airport, arriving at five am, where a shuttle picked us up for the hour and a half ride through the countryside to SMA.  The roads in Mexico are quite good, I did learn a new word on the way though, "topes"--speed bumps, lots of them, at each little village and wide spot in the road. They have two kinds, high and wide, and narrow and tall! 

We were to meet Steph's sister Michele and her husband John at a breakfast spot called Buen Dia.  They, along with my soon to be 94 year old aunt live on some acreage about 15 miles out of town.  When we got to the cafe it was not yet open, nor were any family in sight. An American lady walking her dog confirmed we were in the right spot (the restaurant had no sign!), and told us it wouldn't be open for an hour. Turns out she lives next door, and she invited us to bring our bags in off the street and she had us in for coffee.    Friendly locals!  The family soon showed up and we had a fun reunion and a good breakfast.   The trip is off to a good start!

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