Wednesday, March 14, 2012

San Miguel De Allende's Newest Attraction Is Also It's Oldest!

Discovered only in 1985 covered entirely by soil, and opened to the public last year, the pyramid at La Canada de la Virgen is a remarkable sight.  The Otami Indians native to this area were it's builders, and they were most likely the ones who buried it, to protect it, from those darn invading Spaniards.  It remained forgotten till someone started poking around in '85.  It took the archeologists 20 years to dig it out, and they've done a magnificent job restoring it and interpreting its story.  It's use was primarily as a solar and lunar obsevatory, to predict the equinoxes and soltices.  No blood sacrifices here! Well worth a visit!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the email reminder! I love visiting the different Mayan ruins - I've been to many of them throughout Mexico, Belize and Guatamala. Have fun!
