Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tokyo, Day One

After one more sea day we arrived to dock at Tokyo Bay for the day. Went ashore and started to figure out the Tokyo Subway, which if you look at the map looks terribly difficult, and it kind of is, but once you learn a few things it's not too bad. We spent the day wandering around the gardens of the Imperial Palace, then back to the ship for one last night before they kicked us off the next morning in Yokohama. It's always a bummer to leave all your new friends, and plunge into a big city where there's no free lunch, or dinner etc, but somehow we managed! Had some trouble finding our hotel. Ron has one of those iDoodads, the little man inside was confused, we found it the old fashioned way, ask several people.
Train station concourse

Sidewalk markers for the visually impaired are everywhere

Old meets new at the Palace entrance.

Beautiful stonework

Bike lanes every where

Mother ship! sign at the dock to the Millennium

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