Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Thoughts On Tokyo

Tokyo is a vast city, everybody has heard that, but until you experience it you don't really know it.The train from the port to our hotel took an hour and a half and it was solid city all the way, mostly 10,15 story apartment buildings, mixed with very small houses and the occasional very crowded grave yard, all connected by narrow streets and a fast, crowded, very clean spaghetti network of trains. The streets themselves are immaculate, in great shape, oddly there are no trash cans, smoking is prohibited on the sidewalks and the traffic is very calm. I saw one policeman in three days. I also saw very few non Japanese. Everyone is very polite and helpful. The food can get very expensive of course, but by eating in small places you can get by for five to ten bucks. Beers are three to five. it was all good1 The weirdest thing I saw was pork rectum skewers. Didn't go there.

The line to our hotel, yikes!

With new friends over beers

The restaurant supply street, Tokyo Tower centered

Fake food is in all the restaurant windows

Fake noodles with floating chopsticks

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