Thursday, February 18, 2010

Meanwhile, In The Cool, Grey City of Love, The City of Saint Francis

Otherwise known as San Francisco, the line is from poet George Sterling, and the city is indeed cool and grey this morning.  The same temperature as Hong Kong--60 degrees or so.   The flight was enjoyable,  I was seated in a row with a chatty man from India.  After a good dinner, I claimed an adjacent empty bank of three seats and fell asleep to tunes from India on Singapore Airlines excellent entertainment system.  An entire magazine describes its content-- hundreds of movies, music from all over the world, language lessons, city maps, games, you name it, it's probably there.    I think I managed some version of sleep for half the twelve hour flight.   As we flew a great circle route over the Aleutians there was only a few hours of daylight-- and the cabin shades were kept closed for that, it seems like the night has been two days long.   I"m always glad when the wheels touch down, because I have recurring airplane crash dreams!   My friend Mick picked me up at the airport.   I'm lucky I can spend a few days in his and his partner Chris' guest room.   We went out for a couple of drinks, after which I was happy to go to bed.    Slept great--I think I've cheated jet lag!  

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