Saturday, February 13, 2010

Wow, My Room at the YMCA Looks Just Like My Room on the Ship!

It really does.   No ocean view, instead a great view of Victoria Harbour and the Skyscrapers of Hong Kong Island.    The Salisbury YMCA is no ordinary Y, and Hong Kong is no ordinary city!   By the way, Gung Hai Fat Choi!   Happy New Year--it's the Year of the Tiger, and the celebration lasts three days.  Tonight the big parade makes it's way around the tip of Kowloon, where we're staying.  Tomorrow night fireworks.   I say we because my friend Arturo from Denver is here, and a fun couple from the ship.  They are also at the Y, and oddly , in the room next door.   I'm calling it the Queen Mary wing.    It's cool and foggy here this a.m.,    The tropics are in the past now.   In the hotel there is a lovely buffet restaurant (dinner last night), and this morning a swim in their olympic sized pool.    Who needs the QM2!    Hong Kong is a fantastic city,  I'll do another report with photos.   Will be here till Weds. 22:45., then on to SFO,   arrive there 18:55 same day.   Make up for all those 23 hour days!   I'm back in the land of free internet (Harbour City Mall, parked in front of KFC)  so I suppose I need to look at emails.   I just haven't wanted to.   I think that I really do function better in the floating world of travel!      More later...

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