Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mon Dieu, Four Ports, Four Days--That's a Lot!

Phuket, Thailand.  Georgetown, Malaysia.  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  Singapore, yesterday.    All in steamy equatorial heat--Singapore is one degree north and is the furthest south I'll go.   Today, back at sea, heading north to Bangkok, tomorrow.  I'm sitting out on deck in one of those great teak deck chairs, a beautiful coolish breeze blowing, typing like a mad man!    I'm so far behind, I'll still be catching up when I get to San Francisco on the !7th.  But that's fine!    Just had three cups of coffee and a big plate of fresh fruit, so I'm good to go.   Three nights ago at dinner the gentleman (using the term loosely) from Liverpool made one remark too many.  Rather than lunge at him across the table to wring his neck, I calmly and very quietly finished the meal (what self control, Paul--some of you may know how I can get), and went the next day to the maitre d' and requested a new table.   I felt really bad doing that as I've become  close to the others at the table,  but this guy was really starting to color my experience, so to speak.   The maitre d' put me at a great table- two away from the Commodore's on the main level. It's also a table of eight, and it's a hosted table--meaning that on formal nights a ship's officer join us, in this case the Chief Engineer.  Besides the honor of his company, he buys the wine!   I've been there two nights now and everyone has been warm, welcoming, non controversial, even a bit bland.  Just what the doctor ordered!   The Britannia Dining Room seats over a thousand people, and is without a doubt one of the grandest rooms ever built in a passenger liner.  In the photo you can see the Commodore's table dead center under the Gobelin tapestry, depicting the Mary departing New York, with abstracted streamers and the Brooklyn Bridge.   The height of the room must be 40 feet.   The new table is on the left, partially obscured by the first pillar.  The view from it at night is spectacular.  Happy to be there.   I can hear everyone giving a sigh of relief for me!    By the way, I've been wanting to thank everyone who's reading the blog-- glad you're enjoying it.    I've certainly had fun writing it!   A week is left now til Hong Kong, I'll make the best of it!


  1. Hey Paul,

    It sounds like your rude table mate actually did you a favor since he prompted you to take action that moved you to a more prestigious table. Good job! Brian and I are enjoying your informative and entertaining blog. Stay safe and enjoy the rest of the cruise.

  2. Paul- Love the blog entries: I'm green with envy!
    Can't wait to see you on your return: I should be in Denver when you get back: is the the 17th?
