Wednesday, February 9, 2011

And Last Sunday, El Super Bowl En Espanol!

Not that I really care about the Blooper Bowl, but it was fun, hearing the commentary in Spanish. fortunately all the snow had (apparently) melted in Dallas,   We had a fun day, here in beautiful Mexico.   Like every day, since I arrived ten days ago, the weather was sunny, breezy and in the very comfortable upper 60's, or lower 70's.  It gets chilly at night, but a sweater makes it right.

My cousin Michele and her husband John live about 20 miles outside of San Miguel, and about 10 miles from Dolores Hildago, a somewhat larger and less touristic town with a wonderful market and beautiful churches. Mexico has just celebrated its bicentennial  (1810-2010) and marked the occasion by investing in infrastructure (wisely in my opinion). The investment here took the form of a complete rebuilding of the roadway from San Miguel to Dolores, and what a great job they did!  It's absolutely smooth, with wide shoulders, reflectors in the middle, on the edges, great big guard rails with more reflectors, lots of signage, pedestrian overpasses, and the best busses (reclining seats, drapes, Air Force One is the current film playing on drop down flat screens, the courteous drivers make change) you've ever been on ply the route between the two towns.  In short, I'm impressed.
Life here at the house is peaceful and happy. The house overlooks a broad valley, flocks of birds ply the sky, egrets, blackbirds, scarlett something or others, woodpeckers, a pair of hawks.
My aunt Margie has been here since October, it's fun spending time with her. She's my mother's younger, and equally pretty sister. I was lucky to spend a year in New Delhi, India when I was 15, living with her, my uncle (who had a long and successful career with Esso-Exxon) and their seven children, so I've always called her my second mom. Her sense of humor, as well as her skill at cribbage, has only improve with age. I am not kidding, she has won 12 of the last 15 games.  We play every night after dinner, and its great fun, who knew you can have so much fun losing!
View From La Casa

Morning brings a flood of light to the to the guest wing, and at nine o'clock each day, the arrival of Blanca, to help Margie up and then prepare fresh fruit and strong coffee. Blanca is a warm and caring woman, and is just right for my aunt, it's an ideal situation.  I'm going to miss things here when I'm gone, the two weeks here have passed very quickly, I fly down to Mexico City tomorrow. I don't want to leave, maybe i'll find a little apartment in town next winter!

1 comment:

  1. It really looks wonderful. I might join you in your apartment next year. Travel safe!
