Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Greetings From San Miguel De Allende, Mx

What a great spot on our blue planet this is!  The bus ride down from San Antonio turned out just fine. Before I left Denver a friend of mine (Jill) said she'd be praying for me, I thanked her and requested that besides for my safety etc. she pray that I have a seat on the bus ride by myself.  Well, prayers were answered beyond my wildest dreams, the bus had only five passengers the entire 18 hour ride!  The border crossing went well, no bribes required, no drug war violence seen, and we pulled into San Miguel just about on time.  Busses in Mexico are a good way to go. They are modern, clean, spacious, comfortable and show movies!
San Miguel is a lovely town of around 130,000, set on a hillside, cobblestones streets line with beautifully colored stucco buildings, dotted with deeply shaded plazas, churches, markets, galleries, cafes, and a corner Starbucks, where I am now to hop on the net to make this post. Lest you thinks its full of other gringo chain outlets its not, just this one Starbucks.
La Casa, Michele on the Front Porch

My cousin Michele and her husband John have been coming down here from St Paul, Mn for more than 20 years, gradually building a home here on a peaceful bit of acreage about 20 miles outside of town.  It's finished now and my aunt and I are now lucky to be roommates in the guest quarters.  She and I are sitting here together so I won't go on too long with this post, not wishing to be rude. So enjoy the photos, there's a lot to photograph here!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting that you made it. The pictures are wonderful. You picked a great time to be there as it is 15 BELOW this morning.
