Monday, March 8, 2010

Georgetown, Panang Island, Malaysia

Georgetown was a really fun port.  We docked right in town,  greeted by raucous drumming,and pretty Malay women at the end of the gangplank.   The city is named after England"s George III,  and was founded in the 1786 by the British East India Co.   It was recently named a UNESCO World Heritage site, in recognition of it's well preserved historic core.   It wasn't until the middle of the 20th century that it lost it's status as a British colony.   The population is a mix of Chinese, Indian, Malay and expats from the world over-- a diverse group, readily seen all over this compact city.   Along one street, Kapitan Keling, a Mosque, an Anglican Church and a Chinese Temple coexist in apparent harmony.   Enjoy the photos, as I did wandering about this surprise of a city.   Who knew it even existed! 

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