Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Been Busy In London

London is beautiful!  The weather is great, the city is friendly, the prices not as fearsome as I remembered and I've been covering the territory.  Yesterday Kensington Palace (the residence of William and Mary in the 1600s, of George III during our revolution, childhood home of Victoria, and more recently romping ground of Charles and Diana), then the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Tate Modern, St Paul's Cathedral, back to the hotel for a bit of a kip (nap) and out to the West End (theater district) for a couple of pints.  Kind of ridiculous, but a good day.
Diana's Gate, where they piled flowers upon her death

The coolest light fixtures ever

Paster Casts (full scale) of Trajans Column at the V&A

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