Friday, May 10, 2013

J'ai Oublie Quelques Choses De Grande Importance: Le British Museum et Harrods

In English I forgot a couple of important things.  The British Museum (free) is the repository of all the great objects that Britain snagged during her Empire days,  Harrods is the grand department store in central London, owned by the father of Dodi Al Fayad, Diana's last lover.

A glass canopy by Norman Faster covers the central court

Roman bronz dug at Herculeum, hidden by the eruption of Vesuvius

The Rosetta Stone, key to understanding Hieroglyphics

A pharaoh 

Complete facade of a Greek temple

Best of all the Elgin (hard g) Marbles, statuary that adorned the pediments  of the Acropolis
Greece wants them back, fat chance

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