Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Walkabout Saigon

Ho Chi Minh City is its current name, but I like its colonial name better. The French took it over in 1861 and quickly left their mark, laying out grand tree lined boulevards, and built beautiful buildings, such as an opera house, churches, banks, government headquarters, markets and residences-most surviving to this day. Contrast that with narrow side streets, modern office towers, lots of traffic, mostly scooters-busy busy all with stifling heat and humidity. Prices are low, the people are warm and gracious, though the vendors are relentless, and then add in the history of the terrible war fought there and you have one of the most interesting cities anywhere.

The People's Committee Hall, built by the French Governor

Beautiful medians separate the peds from the traffic 

This traffic circle is fun to negotiate on foot

Ready set go, watch out!

At least they have helmets!

There's a jumble

The sidewalks are so pcked with parked scooters, you have to walk in the street

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