Wednesday, November 10, 2010

La Petite Ville de Cherbourg

We docked right on time in Cherbourg,, and I was up early to watch us pull into to the Gare Maritime (ocean terminal), which is an art deco wonderland of a building. It was built for the great French line "Normandie".  The town of Cherbourg is charming as all get out--I spent the morning wandering it's cobblestone streets, it was market day in the place centrale, took lots of photos, then back to the ship for lunch and spent the afternoon exploring the great buildings of the terminal. I'll do a separate post on just the gare.    Really a fun day.   We sailed at 6 pm, to cheers from the crowd lined up along the quay.  The Mary was built in France (at the same shipyard-St Nazaire- as the Normandie) and the French hold her in great esteem  as the worthy successor to the great liners of yore (as do I).   Enjoy the photos

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