Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Meanwhile, Back in Denver, I Hate This Miserable City

I've been back a week now in this wind swept frozen third tier city at the end of the prairie and I wonder why I live here.   Every time I come back here I hate it more.   It' a boring, dull middle class city, full of self satisfied people.  It's tolerable in the summer, when the weather is great, in fact I've even been heard to say I like it. From mid October to mid May however, it's miserable and I hate it. Example, tonight the low is predicted to be 8 degrees.  The leaves are off the trees, the flowers are dead, and the lawns are turning brown, the wind is blowing, and it's gotten colder since I got up this am. It will be below freezing every night now till at least mid April.  Furthermore, the house where I live is in the shadow of a high rise apt building until mid February, meaning no sunny windows.   The lack of sunshine makes me crazy. Don't tell me to buy those special light bulbs, they don't work, I do however run around the house the first thing in the morning and turn on every light in every room,  after turning the heat up to seventy. No, I don't care about the carbon footprint.  I do have a nice fireplace, but it's really sorry to sit in front of a fire, by ones lonesome self. Come to think of it I do actually have one friend who likes to come over and have a fire.   I'm wandering here into self pity, which is always ugly so I'll quit the rant.  Except for one more thing. While I was away my idiot across the street neighbor painted his brick house mint green, two shades of lavender blue and white, it looks like an Easter Egg.   I'm furious!!!      Oh well,  cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you aren't having a good day. :-( Put a blowup easter bunny in front of the neighbor's house - you'll feel better.
