Saturday, January 2, 2010

Amtrak to Chicago

I Woke up this morning in Omaha.   It was bitter cold--four below zero.   The day since has been endless snow covered fields and the occasional town or village.   I imagine this is what Siberia looks like.    Just no Russian women wearing babooshkas selling potatoes, cabbage and borsht  to the passengers at station stops.    Stopped now at Ottumwa--stepped off the train and its still frigid.    The train though is nice and warm.        We're running four hours late now and the big question on board is will train #30 the Capitol Limited wait for us in Chicago or not.    the conductor says chances are 50-50.     It's scheduled to depart 20 minutes before we arrive.      I say its up to God and Amtrak!   

1 comment:

  1. Looking good my friend. Hope the weather treats you better closer to the equator. Miss ya.
