Saturday, January 2, 2010

Well I'm Off!

 I left Denver three nights ago aboard train  #6 the California Zephyr.   Pictured are Garry and Jerry waving me off and ice on the train wheels after a day crossing the Rockies.    We were 3 hours late leaving Denver,  but I didn't mind because I was still busy doing last minute stuff at the house.     Imagine that!      Many thanks to everyone who helped me get out of town.   Thanks to Sue of Luxury Cruise and Travel for getting me a really great rate from Cunard      My friend Daria is managing the house for me--grateful for that, and hope that she has luck in renting out the basement apartment,  it's been vacant since November.     Thanks also to my friend Dorian who spent days helping me get ready for the Christmas  party--which was a great success, and then days helping me get the house all in order.      Thanks also to Dave and Kimo for keeping the house a home while I'm gone.       And last but not least thanks to Garry and Jerry for getting me to the train on time-- twice actually, I forgot to grab the computer bag on my way out the door!

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