Thursday, January 7, 2010

On Board Queen Mary 2!!!

This ship is drop dead gorgeous!     Stem to Stern-- I've been all over her the last two days, and I like!      As with anything new to me regarding computers, i procrastinate-- in this case figuring out the on board internet access thing, hence the lack of posts since departing NYC on Monday.       I'm sitting now in the library, which is a beautiful room that faces forward across the bow  I just asked and was told there are 9,606 books in here, all in gleaming burlwood glass fronted lit up cabinets, which are currently being polished by a steward.      The attention to detail is crazy good every where you go!       I' m going to post this now to see how it goes!


  1. You posted just fine. The ship sounds amazing. I could live in that library!

  2. The library glass fronted cabinets are so the books won't fall. And, you can check out books? Quite a sizeable library--over 9,000 books! I loved your entry about strolling along the streets of NYC.
