Monday, January 4, 2010

New York is a Small Town!

Being used to eating regularly now,  I wasted no time going out to find dinner.    The hotel is in the West Village, where restaurants abound.     They all post a menu outside, which I love.     I settled on a place called Chow Bar.     The hostess sat me at a cozy corner of the bar, next to two lovely ladies.    Everyone was super friendly and we started chatting.     One was named Lisa and she worked in the 90's for the Denver Center for the Performing Arts,  where my sister Margaret used to work, and friends of mine still do.   Furthermore,  she's best friends with the director of "All My Children",  which LA just stole--can you say tax incentives-- from NYC.    Margaret just got hired to work on that show!    I suggested that she look you up , Margaret.    It was a completely fun evening!

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