Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dinner At Table 212, Britannia Restaurant, Deck Three, Table of Eight

Well we got off to a bit of a rough start,  but it's all turned out just fine!      No one is boring that's for sure.    There's  (clockwise from me) a retired English teacher from Kansas City who's traveling solo but usually uses the pronoun we (I'll get to the bottom of that eventually),  a couple from near Montreal--monsieur fishes for lobster, but spent his career in the Canadian Air Force as an aircraft mechanic--full of stories, has been everywhere from the North Pole to a ferry on fire in the Greek Isles and way beyond, his charming and chatty wife--they're both one of eleven children(!),   a couple from the Hamptons on Long Island who've retired to North Carolina--she's of Italian descent and writes,  he appears of Irish descent and golfs,  again both witty and charming,   and a pair of gentlemen who have retired from England to Morocco (where one can still afford servants(!) and have already been aboard for weeks!      Now thats quite a table--and quite a sentence, I think!      The rough spot came quickly enough, between the two gentlemen from Morocco.   Some how one of them managed to hurl an insult at the other,  and up the offended  stood,  announced he didn't have to take it and stormed off!    Jaws dropped all around--the waiters didn't skip a beat,  and we all just carried on!   Let's just say that none of us would trade bar bills with the two of them!     Dinners since have been fine , although they do like to make a grand entry about 20 minutes late.    Oh, and by the way the food is wonderful!

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