Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Great Pyramid of Khufu

A few facts:  At  4,500 years old, it is the only surviving wonder of the ancient world. It is 755 feet long at the base on each face, accurate to a few centimeters, 481 tall when constructed (the very top is missing), nothing taller was constructed till the cathedral at Cologne in the late middle ages (I think).  Each face was originally covered with polished limestone (who removed it and when?),  and is oriented exactly north, south, east or west.   The striking thing as you stand humbly at it's base, besides it's enormity, is how steep the thing is.   My friend Daria climbed it 20 some years ago (no longer permitted), she says it was utterly frightening towards the top-- I can't imagine doing it.  Just looking straight up the face is a bit overwhelming,  it's really hard to wrap your mind around it all,  indescribable  fits here.

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