Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

About a half an hour before Chicago the conductor announced that the train to Washington was indeed holding for us.    Yay!     Red Caps were waiting  on the platform and hustled us over to the Capitol Limited and we were off!      It's quite a nice train, newly refurbished and a redesigned dining car.    Had a steak dinner and saw in the new year with a few other passenger in the lounge car.      Slept really well, the tracks to DC are smoother than those west of Chicago.      Arrived right on time in DC and took about an hour walk over to the national mall       Not time enough to check goings on at the White House.    Darn!    Took the 3pm Acela [max speed 135 mph] up to New York and was at The Jane Hotel by 6:15.       The Jane is a real find.     A great hotel for the money--$99 per night.       Should be a fun weekend!

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